Sunday, November 18, 2012

Like I Never Left- Hello again

Okay , I need to admit this; it’s such a dreadful pressure ,coming up with a first blog entry and it’s a whole lot worse if it is an abandoned blog, thinking of how to make it better than the former one and trying to get committed and not clicking on the abandon box again.  As much as I enjoy writing, I am also lazy to write (kind of funny?),and that was the silly reason I left in the first place.  But the good news is that I have found my muse and all form of laziness is being eradicated from my life (amen).Right now, I am starting off afresh, not picking up from where I left.
 If I am going to sit here anyway, I could use some company. Just be warned, it can be a little rowdy and noisy in here. You might not want to come in alone/ or unfortified. I do thank you for letting me share, and I hope you’ll leave a line or two of your own (it is better to pretend that I’m actually talking to someone). And if you get hungry anytime you are here…we’ll share some cookies and candies…. Hugs and kisses

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